It Began As A Vision...

St. Clare Health Mission, started by Sr. Leclare Beres, FSPA, is named for Clare of Assisi, a contemporary of Saint Francis, who renounced all of her possessions - even giving away her shoes - as she devoted her life to the care of the poor.
The term "health mission" describes not only the program, but the motivation which guides it.
Those participating in this initiative share a belief that, regardless of financial status, ethnicity or religious belief, health care is a basic human right and that we all share in the benefits of caring for our neighbors.
In 1993 representatives of health and social organizations, throughout the community, began a collaborative effort to address health care access for the poor and uninsured. A unique and innovative program emerged.
Volunteer healthcare providers from the community would join together several times per week to provide free healthcare to those who had gone without due to a lack of financial resources.
In the past 30 years, volunteers have served nearly 20,000 people and over 80,000 visits to the clinic, treating health conditions ranging from coughs to cancer.
"Instead of putting a bandage on my wound they healed it. Instead of covering it up, they helped me with what I needed to make it better."
- St. Clare Health Mission Patient
St. Clare health Mission is operated with the support & involvement of interested individuals, health & social service agencies found throughout the La Crosse area

Our Vision
Everyone in our community has access to needed medical care.

Our Mission
- Create access to health care for those who would otherwise find such services economically inaccessible.
- Create opportunities for medical providers to enjoy the intrinsic rewards associated with volunteer service.
- Create opportunities for students in healthcare to understand the impact that poverty has on health and well being.

Our Values
- We strive to provide the highest standard of healthcare to our patients.
- We commit to use and manage our resources wisely.
- We aim to be good collaborative partners and teammates within the area of healthcare systems.
- We respect, acknowledge, and appreciate the important contributions made by our volunteers and donors.
- We strive not to duplicate services available elsewhere.
- We will work to respond to evolving community healthcare needs, as resources are available.